Initially, the authorities met the political self-organization of the refugees in Donauwörth with silence and ignorance. After the raid by the police on 14.03.18, the detainees were accused of disorderly conduct (Landfriedensbruch) and resistance against law enforcement officers, among other things. Especially these two offences are used extremely arbitrarily: For a charge of resistance, it is sufficient for police officers to claim that someone has resisted. If the evidence is missing, they cover each other up with false statements. The accusation of Landfriedensbruch is always used where even a resistance cannot be constructed. Because anyone who speaks out against German laws can be a trespasser. It is clear that it has been tried to prevent any resistance against deportations – no matter how quiet it is and which careful form it may have – and to intimidate refugees so that they would dare no more organization in the future.
#7 Keine politisch willkürlichen Anklagen!
#6 Respect freedom of movement!
#6 Respektiert Bewegungsfreiheit!
#5 Why the isolation? End the camp-system!
With slogans like “Lager still means exclusion” or “The authorities are threatening refugees with imprisonment“, refugees fight since years “For decentral accommodation for all!“. Isolation is the ultimate principle of all Lagers – no matter if they are in the desert of Libya, the forest of Bavaria or the industrial areas of large cities in Germany. Isolation intensivses control, harrassment, chicanes, and penalization. The AnkER-centres (5) are a racist idea from the “middle of society”, and every Lager is a health endangering, life-threathening, exploitative, and repressive catastrophy.
#5 Warum Isolation? Schluss mit dem Lagersystem!
Mit Slogans wie “Lager heißt immer noch Ausschluss” oder “Die Behörden gefährden Geflüchtete mit Gefangenschaft” kämpfen Geflüchtete seit Jahren gegen Lager “Für dezentrale Unterbringung für alle!“. Isolation ist das Grundprinzip sämtlicher dieser Lager – ganz gleich, ob diese in der Libyschen Wüste, im bayrischen Wald oder im Industriegebiet deutscher Großstädte liegen. Die Isolation verstärkt Kontrolle, Schikane, Demütigung und Bestrafung. Die AnkER-Zentren sind ein rassistische Idee aus der “Mitte der Gesellschaft” und eine gesundheitsgefährdende, lebensgefährliche, ausbeuterische und unterdrückerische Katastrophe.
#4 Safety for all – End the raids!
#4 Sicherheit für Alle – Schluss mit den Überfällen
#3 Stop Police Violence!
#3 Stoppt Polizeigewalt!