Mass detention after protest in Donauwörth on 14/03/2018

[>> deutsch]

In the early morning of March 14, 2018, a deportation was successfully prevented in the Donauwörth reception centre. Afterwards, a large police operation was carried out in the afternoon. Those residents who were in their rooms were locked in, both entrance and exit doors of the reception centre had been locked as well. Room searches and identity checks were carried out. 29 people were arrested. Continue reading “Mass detention after protest in Donauwörth on 14/03/2018”

Strike in reception camp Donauwörth

[>> deutsch]

Donauwörth means deprivation of freedom and exploitation – for those who live there, or have to live there. In Donauwörth, the administrative district Donau-Ries, there is a reception center/ “Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung” (EA). According to the law, people have to stay there for up to two years. They are systematically deprived of all rights in order to force them to leave the country. Officially, it’s called “voluntary return.” No freedom of movement: Residence obligation (1). No freedom over the choice of daily food: canteen food. Massive exploitation through 80 cent jobs in the reception center. Deprivation of the right to work, instead: Reduced or canceled pocket money. Deprivation of the right to education. Deprivation of the right on health care, instead completely inadequate medical care.

Strike of the 80 cent job – the alleged aid organization Malteser reacts to this with threatening to reduce the pocket money. This means, on the one hand, that the right to strike is not accepted and on the other hand, that the pocket money, independent from the sallery, will be reduced.

People from Gambia from the reception center packed their stuff to go to Italy by train. Voluntary return? This is a cynical expression of the meticulously planned German racist system, that is supposed to force people to leave the country as quickly as possible.

The journey to Italy has been stopped. As far as Germany wants to throw people from the Global South out of the country, it is also forbidden to let them go. The Germanwide monopol for trains, “Deutsche Bahn” stopped the traffic around Donauwörth. Racist reactions, that it would have been the fault of the refugees, followed.

It is not their fault if they are on strike with the unworthy working conditions with a “sallery” of 80 cents per hour (2). It is the necessary consequence in the fight for an end of racism and thus the right to stay. It is not their fault that “Deutsche Bahn” stops the traffic. It seems more like a last attempt to exercise power, to prepare the ground for hatespeech against refugees and to avoid a scandal. Wouldn’t it been scandalous if people had traveled against the European Dublin law, under the eyes of German policewo*men?

Detained in a camp until the deportation is “allowed”. At the same time leaving the administrated district is prohibited. Working for 80 cents an hour. Canteen food. Poor medical care. Characteristics that are strongly linked to conditions in prisons. Waiting two years until Italy and Germany agreed on deportation to Italy. Loosing two years from your own life.
The strikers from Donauwörth announce that they will take action again, unless positive changes occur in the forthcoming talks with the authorities. Also last week they went on protest and sit ins.


(1) German law (§ 56 AsylG, § 61 (1) AufenthG) that forces asylum seekers to stay inside the district of the foreigners’ registration office.

(2) The Bavarian integration law created these working conditions for non-citizens, apart of the minimum wage for citizens.

Demo in Bamberg on 17/01/2018

[English below!]

Rote Bänder als Zeichen für die stattfindende Gewalt

Menschen aus dem Abschiebelager Bamberg riefen alle geflüchteten sowie solidarischen Menschen und Organisationen auf, sich mit ihnen auf der Straße gegen das Abschiebesystem auszusprechen. Aktivist*innen aus anderen Abschiebelagern und aus den verschiedensten antirassistischen Gruppen und selbstorganisierten Initiativen schlossen sich lautstark dem Protest an. International Women Space, Internationales Frauencafe, Refugee Struggle For Freedom, Deggendorf Immigrants und viele viele mehr machten gemeinsam die Konsequenzen des Abschiebe- und Lagersystems in verschiedenen Reden sichtbar.

Im Rahmen der Abschlusskundgebung vor dem Bamberger Rathaus, warteten die Protestierenden solange, bis sich der Oberbürgermeister zeigte. Er wurde mit den verheerenden Zuständen konfrontiert. Vor seinen Augen brach eine der Rednerinnen, mit ihrem Kind im Arm, während ihrer Ausführungen zusammen. Ein Krankenwagen musste gerufen werden. Das Kollabieren der Rednerin, ein Zeichen von massivem Stress, ließ den OB dennoch mehr oder weniger unbeeindruckt. Schließlich versprach er nichts weiter als die leere Phrase, dass er mit dem sogenannten Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge binnen 1 Woche reden werde. Charmanterweise wurde noch ein Stadtbus (vgl. letztes Bild) bestellt, der die Protestierenden schnell wieder ins Lager abseits der Öffentlichkeit verfrachten sollte. Zurück im Abschiebelager geht die Unterdrückung weiter. Repression bis ins kleinste Detaille; Allen – auch den Kindern – werden die Trillerpfeifen von den Securities abgenommen.

Wieder und wieder werden Protestierende im Sinne der Verantwortungsdiffusion vertröstet. Auch dies muss mit Hinblick auf §63 Abs. 2 des Bundesbeamtengesetzes als Farce betitelt werden. So heißt es “, wenn das aufgetragene Verhalten die Würde des Menschen verletzt”, ist der*die Beamtin zur Niederlegung der Dienstanweisung verpflichtet. Auf den bürokratischen Duktus der Verantwortungsweitergabe, lässt sich hiermit nicht mehr berufen.

Video über den Protest. Reden in verschiedenen Sprachen. Gespräch mit Bürgermeister und der städtischen Pressesprecherin.

Red ribbons point to the violence that is taking place.


People from the Bamberg deportation camp called on all refugees, as well as people and organizations that stand in solidarity to take to the streets with them in order to speak out against the deportation system. Activists from other deportation camps and various anti-racist groups and self-organized initiatives joined the protest loudly. International Women Space, International Women’s Cafe, Refugee Struggle for Freedom, Deggendorf Immigrants and many more made the consequences of the deportation and Lager system visible in various speeches.

During the conclusive rally in front of Bamberg’s town hall, the protesters waited until the mayor showed up. He was confronted with the devastating conditions. In front of his eyes, one of the speakers collapsed during her speech with her child in her arms. An ambulance had to be called. The collapse of the speaker, a sign of massive stress, left the OB more or less unaffected. After all, he promised nothing more than the empty phrase that he would talk to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) within one week. Charmingly enough, a city bus was ordered (see last picture), which was to transport the protesters quickly back to the camp, and away from the public. Back in the deportation camp, repression continues. Repression down to the smallest detail; the whistles used on the protest are taken from everybody – including the children – by the securities.

Again and again, protesters are put off and confronted with a diffusion of responsibility. This, too, must be described as a farce with regard to §63 para. 2 of the Federal Civil Servants Act (Bundesbeamtengesetzes). It says “if the behavior ordered violates the dignity of the human being”, the officer is obliged to resign from their official instructions. It is no longer possible to point to the bureaucratic style of responsibility transfer.

Video about protest. Different speeches in different languages. Talk to mayor and pressspokeswoman from the city.

Solidarität mit den Protestierenden des Abschiebelagers Bamberg // Solidarity With Protesting People At Deportation Camp Bamberg

(english below)

In Solidarität wird hier das Statement sowie der Aufruf zur Demonstration am 17.01.2018 von “Bamberg Refugees” veröffentlicht:

Demonstration || Mittwoch || 17. Januar 2018 || 12:00 Uhr AEO (Abschiebelager) Bamberg

“Das AEO-Lager in Bamberg (Aufnahmeeinrichtung Oberfranken) ist schlimmer als Gefängnis. Wir, Geflüchtete, die im Lager leben, werden die andauernden Schikanen und die unmenschliche Behandlung nicht länger hinnehmen. Am Mittwoch den 17. Januar 2018 gehen wir raus und tragen unsere Forderungen auf die Straße. Unsere Forderung nach einem Leben in Würde. Wir rufen alle Geflüchteten in der AEO Bamberg, ebenso wie alle Unterstützer*innen, Helferkreise und Organisationen auf, sich unserer friedlichen Demonstration durch die Stadt Bamberg anzuschliessen.”

Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter dem Facebook event:


Sowie hier in Ihrem Statement:

Gegen die Unmenschlichkeit! Stoppt das Lagersystem! Wir sind Geflüchtete, keine Gefangene! Against inhumanity! Stop the camp system! We´re refugees, not prisoners!

Wir sind Geflüchtete aus verschiedenen Ländern, die alle vor den gleichen Problemen stehen: Wir leben in der Aufnahmeeinrichtung Oberfranken (AEO), dem Lager von Bamberg. Wir haben nach Sicherheit und einem Leben in Frieden gesucht. Aber was wir hier erleben ist kein Leben. Deshalb stehen wir auf und wehren uns – gegen die Unmenschlichkeit und die Schikanen des Bamberger Lagersystems. Am Mittwoch den 17.01.2018 gehen wir raus und tragen unseren Forderungen auf die Straße. Unsere Forderung nach einem Leben in Würde. Wir rufen alle Geflüchteten in der AEO Bamberg, ebenso wie alle Unterstützer*innen, Helferkreise und Organisationen auf, sich dieser friedlichen Demonstration am Mittwoch, 17.01.2018, 12:00 Uhr, AEO Bamberg, (Erlenweg 4, 96050 Bamberg) anzuschliessen.

Unsere Situation ist folgende: Wir kommen traumatisiert und ausgelaugt von unserer langen und gefährlichen Flucht in Bamberg an. Uns wird keine Zeit gegeben um anzukommen, wir werden sofort zu einer Kommission geschickt, um interviewt zu werden. Eine Woche später halten die meisten von uns die Ablehnung ihres Asylantrags in den Händen. Ab diesem Moment ist es, als wären wir inhaftiert. Unsere Ausweispapiere werden uns weggenommen, alles was wir bekommen ist eine Lagerausweis, ausgedruckt auf einem blanken Papier. Sogar unsere deutsche Aufenthaltsgestattungen oder unsere Duldung, bei denen die eine hatten, werden für ungültig erklärt.

Wenn die Entscheidung über unseren Asylantrag negativ ausfällt, bekommen wir kein Geld mehr. Nicht einmal junge Mütter bekommen einen Cent, sie kriegen weder Babynahrung, noch können sie es sich leisten welche zu kaufen. Wir dürfen nicht arbeiten oder Bamberg verlassen. Unsere Kinder können nicht in die Schule gehen, da sie automatisch mit den Eltern abgelehnt werden. Wir dürfen keine Deutschkurse besuchen. Nichtsdestotrotz müssen wir monatelang hier bleiben, manchmal sogar Jahre. Einige von uns sind schon fast zwei Jahre hier. Die Lager-Security schikaniert uns und wendet Gewalt gegen uns an und wir werden von von der Polizei und den Gerichten zu Unrecht beschuldigt. Die Polizei kann jederzeit kommen um unsere Räume durchsuchen, oder um einen von uns abzuschieben. Niemand kann so leben.

Wenn wir von hier fliehen und in ein anderes europäisches Land gehen werden wir in das Lager nach Bamberg zurückgebracht, weil unsere Fingerabdrücke hier liegen und Deutschland darum bittet uns hierher zurückzubringen. Aber wenn Deutschland uns nicht will, dann lasst uns bitte in ein anderes Land gehen, das unsere Rechte anerkennt. Deutschland ist nicht das einzige Land in Europa.

Wir haben genug von diesem Lager. Wir können so nicht weiter leben – nicht einen einzigen Tag. Wir werden behandelt wie Gefangene, nicht wie Flüchtlinge. Das werden wir nicht länger akzeptieren! Wir haben nach Schutz gesucht, aber wir müssen immer noch für unser Recht auf ein Leben in Frieden und Freiheit kämpfen. Es gibt für uns keine Gerechtigkeit – unsere alltäglicher Kampf geht einfach weiter. Wir werden unseren Protest auf die Straße tragen – und wir werden nicht damit aufhören, bis unsere Situation sich geändert hat.

Wir fordern:

  1. Viele von uns haben hier nur den weißen Lagerausweis, keinen deutschen Ausweis. Wir brauchen einen deutschen Ausweis und das Recht zu arbeiten
  2. Bildung ist ein universelles Recht für jedes Kind auf der Welt. Unsere Kinder müssen in die Schule und auch wir Erwachsenen müssen uns weiterbilden dürfen!
  3. Vielen von uns wird die elementare finanzielle Grundsicherung, die von dem deutschen Grundgesetz garantiert wird, verweigert – nicht einmal junge Mütter bekommen einen Cent für Babynahrung. Wir brauchen eine finanzielle Grundsicherung.
  4. Wir bleiben hier für Monate, einige fast zwei Jahre. Wir brauchen Verlegungen! Das AEO-Lager in Bamberg muss geschlossen werden! Kein Lager nirgendwo!
  5. Wir brauchen gute medizinische Versorgung.
  6. Die andauernden Schikanen und die unmenschliche Behandlung von uns Geflüchteten (durch Securities, Polizei und Ämter) müssen aufhören!
  7. Die Frauen brauchen eigene Räume mit Privatsphäre und Sicherheit
  8. Keine Abschiebungen! Nicht nach dem Dublin-Verordnung und auch sonst nirgendwohin!
  9. Schluss mit Rassismus!

Wir werden nicht länger zuschauen, wie wir gejagt, verfolgt, schikaniert und letztlich abgeschoben werden. Wir sind davor geflohen: vor Verfolgung, Folter, Armut und Krieg! Wir gehen nicht zurück! Wir werden für das Recht zu leben kämpfen – und für das Recht, wie Menschen behandelt zu werden. Wir sind hier – und wir werden bleiben!

In Solidarity the statement as well as the call out for demonstration on 17th of Jan. 2018 by “Bamberg Refugees” is published here:

Demonstration || Wednesday|| 17th of January 2018 || 12:00 midday AEO (deportation camp) Bamberg

“The AEO camp in Bamberg is worse than a prison. We, refugees living in the camp, will not take anymore the constant harrassment and inhuman treatment. Our demand is for a life in dignity. On Wednesday 17th January 2018 we are going out and taking our demands on the streets. We are calling for all inhabitants of the AEO Bamberg, as well as groups and individuals to join us in solidarity for this peaceful demonstration through the town of Bamberg.”

More informations you get at Facebook event:


As well as in their satement:

Against inhumanity! Stop the camp system! We´re refugees, not prisoners! Gegen die Unmenschlichkeit! Stoppt das Lager System! Wir sind Geflüchtete, keine Gefangene!

We are refugees from different countries, who are all facing the same problems. We are living in the „AEO“ camp in Bamberg. We were searching for protection and a life in peace. But what we are facing is no life at all. This is why we stand up – against the inhumanity and harassment in the Bamberg Lager system. On Wednesday 17th January 2018 we are going out and taking our demands on the streets. Our demand is for a life in dignity. We are calling for all inhabitants of the AEO Bamberg, as well as groups and individuals to join us in solidarity for this peaceful demonstration through the town of Bamberg.

Our situation is this: We arrive in Bamberg traumatised and exhausted of long and dangerous travels. We are given no time arrive, we are immediately sent to a comission to be interviewed. One week later most of us receive a negative decision. From that moment on we are in fact imprisoned. Our documents are taken, all we get is a camp card, printed on a white sheet of paper. Even our German asylum seeker documents or our Duldung, if somebody had those before, are taken away.

After a negative asylum decision, we receive no money any more. Not even young mothers are getting one cent: They get no baby food nor can afford to buy some. We are not allowed to work or to leave Bamberg. Our children do not get access to school or education, because they get a negative decision as soon as their parents do. We are not allowed to study German. Nevertheless we have to stay here for months, even for years. Some are here for 24 months already. The camp security is harassing and using violence against us – and we get charged by the police and courts. The police can come at any moment – to search our rooms or to take one of us for deportation. Nobody can live like this!

When we escape and leave to another country we are brought back to the Bamberg camp, because our finger prints are here and Germany asks to bring us here. But if Germany doesn not want us, then please let us go to another country which repects our rights. Germany is not the only country in Europe!

We are tired of this camp. We cannot live like this – not even one more day. We are treated like prisoners, not like refugees. We will not accept this any longer! We were searching for protection, but we still have to fight for our right to live in peace and freedom. There is no justice to us – our struggle just continues. We will take our protest to the streets – and we will not stop it, until our situation is changed!

We demand:

  1. Many of us are here without any German Ausweis, only the white camp card: We need a German Ausweis and the right to work
  2. Schooling is a universal right of every child in the world: Our children need to go to school – and we adults also need to study
  3. Many of us are denied the basic financial support that is guaranteeed by the German constitution – even young mothers do not get one cent for baby food. We need a basic financial livelihood
  4. We stay here for months, some even 24 months: We need transfers! Shut down the Bamberg AEO-Lager! No Lager nowhere!  
  5. We need proper medical care
  6. The constant harassment and inhuman treatment of us refugees needs to stop (by securities, administration and others)
  7. The women need their own spaces of privacy and safety
  8. No deportations, Dublin or other
  9. Stop racism

We will not watch anymore how we are chased, harassed and finally deported. We escaped from that: persecution, torture, poverty and war. We will not go back. We will fight for that right to live – and to be treated like human beings!

We are here – and we will stay!

Gegen das rassistische Justizsystem! Aufruf zum solidarischen Prozessbesuch // Against the racist judicial system! Call for solidarity at the trial on 09.01.18, 09:30

(English below)

Am Dienstag, den 9. Januar 2018 steht ein Genosse und Freund von uns vor Gericht. Seit mehr als 6 Monaten sitzt er in der JVA Stadelheim in Untersuchungshaft.

Die Bedingungen in Untersuchungshaft sind harsch und unmenschlich: Zwei Mal im Monat jeweils 30 Minuten Besuch. Gäste mussten sich zuvor namentlich bei der Staatsanwaltschaft anmelden und wochenlang auf ihre Besuchserlaubnisse warten. Gespräche durften nur auf Deutsch geführt werden und durften sich nicht auf sein Ermittlungsverfahren beziehen. So war es unmöglich, unserem Freund eine Rechtsberatung zu ermöglichen oder eine unabhängige Anwältin oder Anwalt zu vermitteln.

Gegen ihn läuft ein Verfahren nach dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz. Für uns ist auch so ein Verfahren rassistisch motiviert: Deutschland ist ein Staat, in dem Persons of Color und Schwarze Menschen durch Racial Profiling in einem ständigen Fokus der Polizei sind. In dem Justizsystem werden Menschen, die nicht ausreichend Deutsch sprechen ihre grundlegende Rechte in Haft verwehrt. Gerichtsprozesse haben unterschiedliche Auswirkungen auf Menschen mit und ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit. So können Geflüchtete nach einer Verurteilung ihren Aufenthaltstitel verlieren und sogar abgeschoben werden.

Wir rufen auf, den Prozess am Dienstag, 09.01.2018 solidarisch zu begleiten und kritisch zu beobachten! Die Verhandlung beginnt um 9:30 Uhr am Amtsgericht München – den genauen Ort werden wir am Vorabend bekannt geben. Schaut auf Solidarity and Resistance, schreibt uns bei Twitter oder Facebook.

On Tuesday 9 January 2018, a comrade and friend will stand trial. Since more than 6 months he has been in pre-trial custody (“Untersuchungshaft”) in the JVA Stadelheim.

The conditions in “Untersuchungshaft” are harsh and inhumane: visits are only granted two times a month and for 30 minutes each. Visitors have to register by name with the public prosecutor’s office beforehand and have to wait for weeks for their visit permits. Talks can only be conducted in German, and were not allowed to refer to the ongoing investigation. Hence, it was impossible to provide our friend with legal advice or an independent lawyer.

He is under investigation for an infraction under the Narcotics Act. For us, such a procedure is also motivated by racism: Germany is a state in which persons of color and Black people are in a constant focus of the police through racial profiling. In the judicial system, people who do not speak sufficient German are denied their fundamental rights in custody. Legal proceedings have different effects on people with and without German nationality. In this way, refugees may lose their residence permit after a conviction and may even be deported.

We call for solidarity and critical observation of the trial on Tuesday, 09.01.2018! The trial begins at 9:30 a. m. at the Amtsgericht München – we will announce the exact location on the evening before. Check Solidarity and Resistance, or write us on Twitter or Facebook.

Oury Jalloh – it was murder!

Oury Jalloh was burned alive in a detention cell of the Dessau police department on January 7, 2005. Both accused police officers were acquitted in a first court trial in 2007. In the following appeal case it was insisted on Oury Jalloh igniting himself while being bound to and lying on a fireproof mattress. Independent opinions commissioned by  the Oury Jalloh Initiative proofed this to be a lie: Where did the lighter come from? What are the origins of his many injuries? Why has the smoke alarm been turned off and the intercom been muted? Oury Jalloh became victim of a racist murder!
But Oury Jalloh is no exception. Already in 2012, homeless Mario Bichtemann died in the same police station – also this case was tried to be hushed up. But racism as well as the indifference of the state in view of right-wing terrorism are a daily occurrence in Germany. The right-wing terror organization NSU murdered nine people between 2000 and 2007 – two of them in Munich. The state and the secret service of the interior („Verfassungsschutz“) assisted – through concealment, covering up and lies, the destruction of records and the support of the right-wing by state agents („V-Leute“). What is more, the last years were coined by the strengthening of asylum laws, deportations, so-called integration laws and racist police controls in everyday life. The hatred against Black people, refugees, Jews and Rom*nija is part of German normality.
Fitting to the socially acceptable racism in the interior, Germany and the EU rely on a more and more aggressive sealing-off against the exterior.  Their goal is to stop refugees from African countries  from entering Europe not with the help of Libyan militia cooperating with Germany, but already before by a metres high border wall which is planned to run right through Africa. What it means if refugees are stopped in or sent back to these countries becomes clear by the example of Libya.  People there are sold as slaves and are subject to forced labour. They are threatened by abuse, rape and even death.
But these conditions are far  from new. They are rooted in a world-wide capitalist system, which is secured  via military operations and the extension of border fortifications . Therefore people have been dying for many years – in the Mediterranean or in detention camps, where they are sold as slaves, abused and murdered. If they inspite of all this manage to flee to a European country, they face violence and exclusion. Oury Jalloh and all other victims of racist violence show this clearly.
This is why we take to the streets today – against the racist German conditions in Dessau, Munich and everywhere. Against racist police brutality. For uncovering the truth behind the circumstances of the death of and the cover-up in the case of Oury Jalloh.

“We are fed up!” Visit of the 209 protesters in Deggendorf

When we visit the strikers in the deportation camp in Deggendorf, we first meet a seriously ill mother, who has only a limited life expectancy. Instead of adequate medical care, she has received a negative decision. Similarly, many other people tell of denied surgeries. The requirement was attested by a doctor, but the authorities have rejected the treatment. An evidence document can be found anonymised below.

For many there another problem is the access to education. Every child living in Germany for more than three months has the duty to attend school. But this means not only the obligation to go to a public educational institution, but also the right to do so. This right is denied to the children and young people in the deportation camp Deggendorf. At the age of 6 to 20 years they are only allowed to attend a German course. Adults can not even do that: they neither have the opportunity to learn German nor are they allowed to work.

Any possibility of self-sufficiency is withdrawn from the residents. Hotplates and refrigerators are prohibited. At the same time, it is forbidden to take food from the canteen for children who are also hungry in between these time. The canteen opens the doors three times a day for a short time. Outside of these times, mothers are not even allowed to heat milk.

Just as food is only available at limited times, electricity from the sockets is only used at certain times of the day during the weekend.

The entrance to the camp is sealed off by a turnstile and fence and is monitored by a security service.

The medical care, the denied school attendance, the monitoring and deprived independence – all circumstances in the deportation camp are to make the inhabitants clear that they are not welcome. And indeed deportations and the fear of it are omnipresent. We are told that the police comes twice a week and takes people with them!

“We are fed up,” – we too!

Solidarity with the ‘strike of closed doors’ of 209 people from Sierra Leone in the transit camp Deggendorf

On Friday, 15th of December 2017, 209 people from Sierra Leone in the transit camp in Deggendorf started a ‘strike of closed doors’. In protest, the children and young people refused to attend the German class as access to other educational institutions is denied. The adults haven’t left the accommodation and denied to work in the 80 cents jobs. On Saturday, 16th of December 2017 they started a hunger strike. The protest involves 44 children and young people, as well as 40 women (among them 12 pregnant women) and 125 men. The starting point of the protest was the violent deportation of a man from Sierra Leone on Friday morning, which was stopped in the last minute at the airport.


Statement of striking refugees in Deggendorf

We are Sierra Leoneans seeking for protection here in Germany but have been frustrated instead of protected. And we have resolved to strike action based on the following reasons:

Every Asylum seeker from Sierra Leone in Deggendorf gets always negative results in the form of :

1. Dublin deportation
2. Rejection of asylum application
3. Asylum application is ‘invalid’

– The next point is that we now stay in a camp for 2 years instead of the initial 6 months, with no schooling, no work permit.

– Very poor accommodation facilities with 8 occupants in a room, with poor hygiene and toilet facilities.

– Very poor quality of food.

– Deportation to Italy with serious torture and no proper arrangements for reinstatement of the immigrants in Italy thereby leaving the immigrants on the street suffering.

– Forceful deportation of pregnant women, children, sick people and sucking mothers.

– No medication for immigrants for certain sickness.
And now established to us that this is a private camp and cannot allow any journalists.

On this basis we have started on 15th December 2017 a close door strike with no schooling and on Saturday 16th December and Sunday 17th December hunger strike and on Monday, we will be going to city council to get clearances to have a peaceful protest accross Deggendorf with continuation of no schooling and hunger strike.
This is to let the whole world know how Germany is treating the immigrants.

19/08/2017: Demo “Stop deportations! Abolish the Dublin system! Freedom of movement for all!”

Organizers: Sierra Leone United Association in Germany

We want to protest together against deportations and the Dublin-system.
They destroy human dignity. In the German asylum system and the
Dublin-System there is no freedom of movement. People are prisoners
without freedom. This life destroys the mental health of the people and
leads them into prostitution and criminal act.

Demonstration: „Stop deportations! Abolish the Dublin system! Freedom of movement for all!“

Start: 1 pm at Hauptbahnhof München


Start: 7 pm (place will be communicated later)

  • How to prepare my own interview? (Arrival Aid)
  • Informations about the Asylum system in Bavaria



Start: 10 pm (Arabellapark, address will be communicated later)

Mixed-Music from Turn Tables: Bigger Rizer DJ&Musics-Performance / Music-Performance by Maligie Kappay / DJ Tims / DJ Salman / Sierra Leone cultural dance

Event language: English / German translation possible / more translations have to be requested before // Englisch / Deutsch ist möglich / andere Sprachen müssen vorher angefragt werden

“This is the voice of freedom” – Interview with Zaki

In February 2016, refugees protested against their planned deportations with a hunger strike in the deportation prison in Mühldorf am Inn (Bavaria). After the fire in one of the cells, the prison authorities answered with banning visits and mails. The following day, one of the inmates was deported to Afghanistan despite to the injuries caused by the fire. The foreign office (Ausländerbehörde) in Munich was blocked in solidarity with the protest for several hours. After three weeks of hunger strike, Zaki K. was deported as the last of the strikers against his will with Air India from Frankfurt to Kabul. Because of the solidarity action three activists were on trial on the 14th of March 2017. Read here their process declaration (German). The interview with Zaki was conducted before the trial.

Hello Zaki. Last year you were involved in the hungerstrike in the deportation prison in Mühldorf and got deported after a long struggle. This week is the court hearing because of a solidarity action, which took place during your protest. We thought it is a good possibility to speak with you again.

Yes, I have a lot to say, but who will listen to these things? When I was in Germany, I saw the truth. What the police did with me, they cannot deny that, because I have proofs. How the German police, the German lawmakers, how they lie to people, how they cheat the asylum people. Inacceptable things happened in 2016. With a white paper in the pocket they deported me.

What do you mean with white paper? Do you mean they deported you without any legal ground?

Yes, a fake paper. When I was on hungerstrike, they deported me. The time they came, my lawyer was not working, lunchtime. Six guards came, pushed me by force out, took me out. They just showed me a pocket and said: „All your papers came from the court in Nürnberg. Just take your things and when you are in the car, you can read the papers.“ I took my things, went in the police car, we started driving to Frankfurt and I asked again to see the papers from court. They said „Later, at the airport“. At the airport I told them again to give me my papers. They refused again. Later when I was able to open that pocket I saw that there were some papers of my marriage legalisation, but mainly white papers! I was shocked. What? That policeman? That Landratsamt? They are cheating me so bad? They must be ashame of what they did with me. I still have this pocket with me. One day I will write a story about it. About how Germany is talking so much, and cheating me.

The deportation was around 10 months ago. Can you tell us what has happened in the last months and in your first days and weeks back in Afghanistan?

The Landratsamt in Tirschenreuth decided to deport me without any reason. My papers for the marriage were at the Standesamt and two years they told me „tomorrow, tomorrow“. And then in the end, they told me that because I am a Muslim I am not allowed to marry. They requested more and more papers. I gave them all the papers, all the documents. There was one person working there, saying „I will be the person, who is sending you back to Afghanistan.“ Even two years before, he told me „I will send you back.“. In the end they took my passport, called the police and  they took me. Before in the court they were saying, „You just want to marry to stay in Europe.“ Hey, about what they were talking? I am having children in Norway! I was twenty years in Europe!

They deported me from Frankfurt to Afghanistan. The German police was working at the airport in Kabul – they sold me to Afghanistan. When I got out of the airport I had nobody to go to, no family. A country full of war. I was going to hell. I wasn‘t able to find somebody. I found a place to stay for a couple of days in Kabul. I was so scared and also ill from the hugerstrike. I had so many problems in my body, with my knee, with my back, allergies.

Soon in Afghanistan I was kidnapped! They asked for money, but I had nothing. It happened even close to a military base, where they have so many cameras. Then there was a big suicide bombing, when they attacked a military base in Kabul. I was injured from that. I was in hospital because of my leg. Then I applied for a visa in Turkey and went there, after five, four months. It was too difficult to live in this place. I love my country, but there is war.

I experienced this three times! When they deported me for the first time from Europe to Afghanistan, I was kidnapped. My father was the vice president of Afghanistan in the past. In 2011 I opened a small shop and again I was kidnapped. I payed 24.000 Dollar to be released. In Afghanistan so many people don‘t have work so they work with so many diffrent groups. They can threaten you to take your money and empty your pockets. This is not a joke, not a story to tell. When I was deported to Afghanistan, the Taliban told me: „You come from Europe, so you have money.“ But I swear, I had nothing. They just pushed me on the street and said, „You work for Germany“. So I told myself that I cannot live in this country anymore, I had to leave again. Three times they did this with me, they came in the night, took me and took everything from me.

And if Germany is sending me back to Afghanistan, I think, they support them. Because they know the situation of our country. European gouvernments pay money to Afghanistan. For this money, they have to take back their citizens. But we need your help, not your money. We don‘t tell you to come to Afghanistan and help us. We don‘t need your police to teach us! You can help us to make streets, to make schools.  Help us to fight against those, who are destroying our country. This is not a war because of religion, but it is a war because of petrol, a war of oil, a war of soil. We grew up with the war. It makes up everything of our history. Everywhere terrorist attacks. Christians, Muslims, Jews are killed in the name of Islam.

Now I am in Turkey, I work, I have everything, I live in a beautiful city. In Germany I was not allowed to go to school, they put me at some remote place and I was not allowed to move 20 km outside. I was staying in Tirschenreuth, my lawyer in Munich. That‘s 4,5 hours travelling. How can I reach him? When I got back, there was no bus anymore.

In the middle of December there was a mass deportation to Afghanistan and there are negotiations about a new contract between Afghanistan and Germany so that it will be more easy to deport people. What do you think about that?

Asylum seekers never got any chance. Every month you have to decide, whether you spend your money for a lawyer or for food. And then often, as it was in my case, the lawyer is not working for you. I called him thousand times, and he was not answering. Because he knows that I am an asylum seeker and that he can do that with me.

The court, the Landratsamt, they just didn‘t wanted to listen, what kind of problem people have in Afghanistan. They think they are better than you. How can we believe that Germany has good laws? It‘s true, Germany has good laws, a good economy, but only for themselves. If Germany is sending so many people back, everybody will say about Germany that it is so bad. The other part of Afghanistan, the Taliban, they will enjoy that. They say, „See, this is Europe.“ And young boys get brainwashed, join the war against the NATO and become suicide bombers. Why do they send so many Afghan people back? The young generation will not forget this. I don‘t think it is good if people hate Germany. Why has this terrorist attack happened before Christmas in Berlin? Why? It is the mistakes of the lawmakers!

Germany makes many enemies for themselves. People just want to start a new life.  They don‘t think, that they will take social money, when they go to Germany. This is what people in Germany think: „We give them everything from our pockets.“ How you give us something from your pockets? If in 2016 Germany took half a million asylum seekers – in Turkey there were ten millions asylum seekers!

We are human beings. The fingers of my hand are the same size as yours. We can learn from each other something. If you have water, share a little of your water. If you have knowledge, teach people, let them learn. I lived in so many countries. Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Sweden, Norway and I learned from everywhere something.

Looking back on the hungerstrike in Mühldorf last year – how do you see the protest now?

The authorities in Mühldorf, they didn‘t want to help. The boss of the Muehldorf prison, he was living in Afghanistan two years. Many of them had been in Afghanistan. He told me: „Your country is very good, why you don‘t go back?“ I said: „You have been there only to do your job. You have been in secure military bases, not outside. If you went outside, you went with your soldiers.“ The police of Mühldorf, they are sick people. They have wrong information about asylum people. And in the Bundesamt, there are also working sick people.

In Mühldorf, we were treated you so bad. I saw people in prison who had serious problems with their teeth. They asked for a doctor, but the guards denied to call one. They said, he has to wait untill Monday. They just give you food, nobody wants to eat. If you complain, they say: „you are not coming to a hotel, this is not your father‘s house. Why are you coming here?“ I was thinking about what has happened with the Jews in the past in Germany and thought „Hey, these prison guards are really Nazis.“ I had another picture of Germany before. I thought they respect people. I was ready to give my heart to the people of Germany. I never wanted to committ any crime.

Are you still in contact to other hungerstrikers?

Yes, to Ahmad, who wanted to kill himself. When I was in Mühldorf, so many people wanted to kill themselves, to hang themselves. They didn‘t want to let news come out of Mühldorf. Another  person, after 30 years, they wanted to send him back. He is from Serbia. He has children here. 30 years he was here! He cut his arms. One day I woke up, I saw the blood on the ground. I turned the light on and saw that he is bleeding. I asked him later: „Brother, why do you want to die?“ He said, „If they send me back, after 30 years here, it is a new country for me.“ How can you give a person so much pain? Is this a dangerous person for Germany?

This is the voice of freedom. I don‘t want to be scared of any politician, of nobody. This is for all people around the world, Jews, Muslims, all people, who love freedom. Freedom is not just for Afghanistan, or Norway, of Germany. Freedom must be for all. All around the world. Not just for one country. I respect myself, so I respect everybody. But these people, maybe they don‘t respect themselves, because they are cheaters, liars, only talking about freedom. What does  freedom mean? Democracy? What is happening in the name of democracy? They are just using this name.

People have a lot of pain, they lost theirs lives. They don‘t want to remember, to see the cities and remember the friends they lost. When I see the schools in Afghanistan, I have to remember the bombings, how my school friend died. So dirty things happen. But they don‘t let us explain our lives. If you want to sell us to a country, sell. If you want to buy a country like this, do it, but 130 years before, the United Kingdom came to Afghanistan. They take everything, we beat them, they went to Pakistan. Who came next? So many others. Then Russia came, then NATO. We, the people, have nothing to do with politics. Me, personally, I don‘t want to listen to the stupid politicians. It is not, that if they offer you money, you can just go back. I want to live free. I want to live with every religion. I am a Jew, I am a Muslim, I am a Christian, I am a Buddhist. I don‘t want anybody to be scared to say what their religion is. The religion is not doing something bad, the people are making something bad, in the name of religion.

How is the situation now of your wife and children in Norway?

Last week my son had birthday and everytime he is telling me: „Father I love you so much, I miss you so much, I don‘t know why you don‘t come. When will you come?“ He is ten years now, when he was six, he told me the same things. The court didn‘t listen to us. How can I trust a court anymore? How can I trust the police anymore? We want to be together, we are a family.

Are you still trying to legalise your marriage?

Yes, but the problem is that my wife is working 30 percent, because she cannot work more. My children are born in Norway. According to the law of human rights, you are not allowed to seperate families. But I know, that we don‘t get our rights because we are Muslims. And the European people don‘t like Muslims, they hate them. It‘s not like before, a free Europe. This is the new Europe. They put in the minds of the young people: „Muslims are bad.“

What is your hope for the future?

If I look at the situation, I have zero hope for the future. Europe is talking nice about human rights. Everytime they are talking about human rights in other countries, but they themselves are the bosses of cheaters. You can make a hungerstrike thousand times and you will become sick. Why is there is a prison for asylum people? Why are they in the prison? Because they ran from war!

I read about history and the Nazi times in Germany.. You understand, how this was possible.
Our situation in Germany comes out what has happened in the past. It did not end in German society. They don‘t want to burn us in the oven, but they want to burn us in another way.

In the end, what you want to tell the German authorities?

I want to tell the German lawmakers, that with this kind of deportations you cannot solve the problem. They will hate Germany. If you don‘t listen to people, they explode at some point.

It is coming back to you, if Millions of people hate you. Why they don‘t send the doctors back to Afhanistan? Why not the ingenieurs? They accept them, but they send the normal people back. They need doctors and ingeniurs, they don‘t need us.

I love Germany, not because of the money or the social benefits. I have a lot of respect, even if they push me in the danger, I still want to thank the good people there and for the time I spend there.